4____the life
of the sound objects Every object has its own sound-producing mechanism.
Each object sounds different. By controlling the oscillationg motionof the
objects with spools, it is possible to move the objects in 4 directions. If
two objects do collide, their integrated sound-producing mechanism is being
of the sound objects The sound objects are being moved in accordance
to the traffic of the network nodes. A spool-set under each object makes it
possible to control the movement of the objects in 4 directions.
The visitors of the installation do manipulate the sound activity
of the objects by their position around the installation. Another way to manipulate
the sound-arrangement via www, is the use of
a special project web-interface.
5____location The installation knoten
n+1 will be installed in the public space or/and several buildings with public
1____data-traffic of the nodes The installation
receives via www specific, dynamic information about the activity of the different
mur.at nodes (networktraffic speed, data packages size, …). Every network
node has its own individual sound object in the installation.